Amplifying Resistance

On Saturday 7 March 2020 we came together to share our strategies of refusal, our politics of care, and give strength to one another. 

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With this event we wanted to create a participatory space for people living across the UK to reflect on and collectively investigate opportunities for transforming the systems of exclusion that affect many people’s lives.

The workshops celebrated the power and potential of collective action, emphasising the importance of always sharing our knowledges and practices of agency and equality, and thinking of ways these can be applied to social action in different contexts. 

We are committed to listen and learn from those of us who are most directly affected by systems of oppression, as this is the only way to enrich and foster our resistance.

Have a look at our outcome zine, this document is a celebration and archive of the day’s events, as well as a way for us to ensure that this network remains in touch and grows.

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